Thursday 31 December 2015

Wishing you glittering 365 days, sparkling 12 months, fabulous four
seasons and a rocking New Year!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016!!  Viva

Sunday 27 December 2015

Small Thought.  For the upcoming New year, try this amazing ANTIDOTE.
In a sparkling glass of champagne, dissolve your misery and drink it.
You will get an instant result.  WISHFUL THINKING. Viva

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Small Thought. The weather is acceptable but my life is not.
It does not hurt to repeat this sentence from time to time.
It helps you to soothe your anger, your sadness, your disappointment.....Viva

Monday 21 December 2015

Small Thought.  We wish you a Merry Christmas and a
breathtaking New Year 2016 coated with LOVE, PEACE,
Small Thought.  If your aim in life is only to make money,
you will miss the fragrance of existence and the beauty
that surrounds you.  Viva

Thursday 17 December 2015

Small Thought.  We should all be in the heart Jew, Christian, Muslim.
Maybe, in this way, the fanaticism will disappear and we will be able
to solve our enormous problems, to understand,  to respect,
to like, to stop fighting each other.  Viva 

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Unfortunately, nobody came back to tell about they saw.
The way they usually feature Heaven, as a safe, quiet, white place.  It sounds boring.
But, Hell is described as a dangerous  lively place, full of entertainment.
It is a dilemma.  Where to go, if we have a choice. Both look like a trap.
IN THE FOREST.  Smile!!!! Viva


Monday 14 December 2015

Small Thought.  On this beautiful Christmas,
let your  heart pour love and happiness around him
let  your tender feelings swim into the stream of your magic heart
let your heart speak beyond his dreams!!!  Merry Christmas  Viva
Small Thought. Tips to help to age gracefully into a body you want to flaunt
no matter how many years go by:
Just stop WORRYING
Stay connected with your surroundings
Do not isolate yourself
Eat healthy food
Always express your feelings

Friday 11 December 2015

Why are you sweeping people from their countries?
Once upon a time, your beneficial task was restricted within the darling houses.
You were the Master of the dust. You were loved and appreciated.
Now, you are spreading terror among humans.
Please, go back to your old memorable job.  Viva
Small Thought.  Be tolerant to the environment because one day
the earth will engulf us in its angelic hands.
We are entitle and  we wish to rest at least in a pleasant surroundings. Viva

Thursday 10 December 2015

Small Thought.  If your lower your expectations, you will never be disappointed.
Your life will be easier, happier and healthier.  Viva
Small Thought. You can reduce significantly the stress, just by saying to yourself:
I am sorry, I failed, the task is huge and I am not able to finish it.
It applies to all fields of life, health, job, education......
Once you admit your current situation, you can start over and
find a plausible, positive solution to your problem.   Viva

Wednesday 9 December 2015

Petite Pensée.  L'éternel amoureux, Monsieur, le Spectre de la Mort, soyez discret.
Votre obsession alarmante, omniprésente nous étouffe.  Vous nous suivez pas à pas.
Vous voulez à tout prix nous dorloter, nous gâter.  Vous nous promettez
des monts et  merveilles.  Nous apprécions énormément votre amour fougeux, mais
votre illustre comportement met en jeu notre réputation
Essayez d'autres planètes. Elles sont plus belles, plus élégantes plus aimantes, plus affables
que la capricieuse TERRE.   Souriez!!!  Viva 

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Small Thought.   Every person has the right to be treated as a human being,
to live and to die with dignity not to be killed ferociously by  crazy,
irresponsible organisations.  Viva
Small Thought.  A warning from the divine judge!
Please stop writing Christmas with an XMAS. It is an outrageous abbreviation
It has a bad, unfair, connotation like negative, unknown factor, denial of Christ and even
x rated adult movie.
You can write it with an x,  only, if you are writing in Greek because the X in Xmas
comes from the Greek spelling of Christ.
In English, you should write:  MERRY CHRITMAS.  Viva

Friday 4 December 2015

Small Thought.   Poor human being, he is so vulnerable, so helpless.
Despite all his misfortunes in life, he keeps thanking God for everything.
Is it a normal attitude or is he out of his mind?   Smile Viva 

Thursday 3 December 2015

Small Thought.   Every day, pick up a ray of sunshine and plant it in your heart.
A heart stays alive when its light stays alive.  Viva 

Tuesday 1 December 2015

this is the key for HAPPINESS AND A PEACEFUL MIND!!!  Just try it.  Viva

Monday 30 November 2015

Small Thought.  IN  GENERAL, what men expect from women?
Both are wrong.  Any relationships, if it is not based on love and care,
is doomed to fail.
Gentlemen,  as you are the Master of the world, it is your duty to help women
to get out from this suffocating labyrinth.
First of all, stop using them as a sex object.
Secondary, help them to assume their responsibilities, but of course without
being ironic, mean, disrespectful.
What to say about the unfortunate ladies, just stop acting like dolls. 
A healthy,fair society needs both genders to bloom.  Viva

Friday 27 November 2015

Are you eligible for happiness?  YES, YOU ARE.
Even, if your life is a nightmare, just laugh about it and shout about it.
This is your only energizer remedy.  Smile  Viva

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Small thought.  Dear men, women and children are tired of your endless military games.
Small Thought.  God, what do you expect exactly from me?
I gave everything, there is nothing left.  Please, show me a sign!  Viva

Friday 20 November 2015

Small Thought.   Do not be stingy and selfish.  Let your beautiful, encouraging
thoughts flow and fly freely like birds in the sky.
Let them reach  without fear, the heart and the mind of every person.
Share them with your surroundings. 
This is how we build a healthy, peaceful society.  Viva
Small Thought.  Women who have been ruined by their families.  REACT.  Viva
Small Thought.  If you are deceived by your life assessment, DO NOT PANIC.
Use your savings, keep going and keep your hope alive.   Viva

Thursday 12 November 2015

Small Thought.  Dear Mr. Sylvester, please let Miss. Tweety to tweet as she likes.
You red banner annoys her and prevents her from flying.  Thank you  Viva
et la divine providence vous aidera à bien vous installer et à concrétiser
tous vos projets.  Viva

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Small Thought.  BREAKING NEWS!
After diligent search and intensive inquiry, finally the FBI discovered the
reasons of people misery, unhappiness, disarray and total misunderstanding.
GOD, our creator, our clement father has been kidnapped and
has been replaced by an unbearable one.
The latter, is spreading incurable diseases.  He is creating Machiavellian
people who are planning wars, inventing deadly weapons and destroying the ecosystem.
Soon, our planet is going to explode and annihilate.
SATAN AND ALIENS, if you are responsible for this abduction,
please bring him back.  You will be greatly rewarded.  Viva 

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Small Thought.  You need to concern yourself with two things:
Small Thought.  Do not postpone for tomorrow what can be done today.
Maybe there will be no tomorrow.  Viva

Sunday 1 November 2015

Small Thought.  We start our life with a stroller and we end it up with a walker.
In between, keep on running.  Just smile.  Viva

Friday 30 October 2015

Small Thought.  Dear God, please cure us from the deadliest virus on earth.
It scarred us and paralyzed us physically and mentally.
We need urgently, an antidote. The situation is unbearable.
We beg you to find quickly a solution for this drastic problem.  Viva

Thursday 15 October 2015

Petite Pensée.  Mon beau berger, interdit à tes moutons adorés de brouter les mauvaises pensées.
Mon beau berger, protège tes moutons adorés contre les esprits machiavéliques et haineux.
Mon beau berger, apprend à tes moutons adorés à différencier entre le bien et mal.
Mon beau berger, encourage tes moutons adorés à parcourir
les champs d'amour librement et allègrement.
Mon beau berger, nous t'aimons et nous aimons tes brebis adorés éperdument.  Viva


Tuesday 13 October 2015

When the effervescent youth is gone and when nothing shines,
then you show up like an evil to damage our beautiful shapes.
Try to smile!! Viva

Sunday 11 October 2015

Small Thought.  On the upcoming elections, if you are in doubt, just vote for VIVA.
You will never be disappointed.  Smile  Viva

Thursday 1 October 2015

Small Thought.  Human being is like a YOYO GAME, OUT AND BACK.
His first day, he is pulled out from his mother's biological womb
and his last day, he is taking back to his mother nature.
In between, he is bewildered, bothered, frustrated by its surrounding.
Sadly, he does not understand neither the mystery nor the meaning of this game.
So, his only choice, is to let the providence guide its course  Viva 

Monday 28 September 2015

Small Thought.   OXYGEN, OXYGEN, OXYGEN,
My brain is shutting down,
My lungs are shrinking.
My heart is bleeding,
My limbs are shaking,
Even my soul is aching
Help, Help, my sweetheart,
You are the oxygen that I breathe,
You are the reason that my heart beat,
I thrive for your gentle voice, for your smile,
for your sense of humour.
My beloved, I am so lucky and so grateful
to have you and to be part of your world.
People in relationships, do not hesitate to express your feelings.
Be courageous, just say it and your life will change heavenly.   Viva

Sunday 20 September 2015

Please, pack your suitcases and wait for the signal.
Finally, the Aliens agreed to change again the map of the Middle East.
You will be  gracefully displaced from a country to another one
and of course, you will be welcomed with a package of delightful, unforgettable
sufferings and miseries. We wish you a safe and a wonderful trip. Have fun!  Viva

Monday 14 September 2015

Small Thought.  How to get rid of your love handles?
Very simply ,just by loving them less and by avoiding to indulge them with sweet.
Politely and apologetically, ask them to leave because unfortunately,
there is no more room for them anymore.
Tell them very frankly, that your are expecting new visitors
THE ROMANTIC MAGIC HANDS and you have to prepare the place
and to make it warm and agreeable.
Also, insinuate gently, that these guests have been waiting for a long time and
they are looking forward to seeing us as soon as possible.  Most importantly,
they are hoping to slide smoothly and nicely without encountering any bumps. Viva

Thursday 10 September 2015

Small Thought. It is a pity that certain people for no valid reasons or explanations
some of their knowledge and their thinking are prisoners of
Mr. Dementia, Mr. Senile, Mr. Alzheimer.....
The worst thing that there is no escape. Even, If they try, they will find out
that the keys and the locks are to rusty to open the doors.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Small Thought.  The Art of Discussion is a combination of
Everyone can voice his/her viewpoint.  We should not get upset and put down
someone when we disagree or we do not share the same opinions.
Insulting doesn't illustrate educated thoughts.  Viva

Friday 4 September 2015

Small Thought.   According to UN officials:
250.000 people have been killed and more than one million
wounded in Syria since march 2011.
More than half the country's population has been displaced,
including more than four million who have fled Syria.
Who is responsible for this unbearable situation?
Most probably the Aliens, because the Arabs ,they don't kill each other.
On the contrary, they care  and protect each other dearly.  Viva

Friday 28 August 2015

Small Thought.  Never try to convince someone of your worth.
Never try to change someone's fundamental traits.
Never try to please everyone.
In general, nobody is interested.  It is only a huge loss of energy
and disappointment.
Try always to stay focused on the objectives that are possible.
Most importantly, no matter what, follow your intuition and your heart.  Viva 

Thursday 27 August 2015

Steps to follow very carefully.
First of all, mix in a big recipient the following ingredients,
Secondly, blend everything in the food processor for 10 minutes.
Thirdly, add four spoons of the new miraculous product called HELP & CURE.
It is available now in all shops of AURA & ALLEGORY.
Thirdly, spread it on a piece of aluminum foil and let it soak for 20 minutes.
Then, fold it hermetically and bake it for 40 minutes at 350 Fr.
Keep it outside room temperature to harden for 12 hours.
In the morning, cut it in a small pieces and eat it while drinking your  delicious coffee.
Finally, take the rest to the beach and toss it in the ocean.
The amazing ocean will take care of its new arrival.
Surprisingly, you will be HAPPY AGAIN AND YOU WILL KEEP

Sunday 23 August 2015

Small Thought.  It is depressing to walk in the street and to find out
that only the pigeons are admiring you and whistling at you.  Just smile  Viva

Saturday 22 August 2015

Small Thought.  People who broke your heart for different reasons,
the best way to get  revenge is to be buried close to them and
annoyed them day and night.  No peace, no rest.   Smile  Viva

Thursday 20 August 2015

Small Thought.  Do not let society destroy or suppress your feelings and your thoughts.
You should always express them freely and without fear.
Sometimes, it is even advisable to write down whatever it bothers you.
For example, do not feel guilty for disliking, for being annoyed by someone
or for hating your job or for thinking to change your life.
We are all human and showing emotion is not a sign of weakness.
We all have flaws and quirks.
Definitely, self-awareness is the key to stay healthy mentally and physically.  Viva

Monday 17 August 2015

Small Thought.  Resist the urge to give up quickly and always seek
to discover yourself.  You will be amazed by the incredible results.  Viva

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Small Thought.  Playing Bridge requires thinking at multiple levels and
reading keeps you in the company of amazing people.
So, if you can do both, not only it is the best entertainment but also
it can develop your imagination and refine your skills.  Viva

Monday 10 August 2015

Small Thought.  We often hear this illogical, unfair, false and  annoyed statement.
He or She has the perfect body. Human being should not be measured
as a piece of object.
Every person is beautiful and every person has a PERFECT BODY.  
Always try to reduce unnecessary stress and focus on something
reachable and likable.  Viva

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Small Thought.  Our life is  divinely orchestrated between HI AND BYE.
For this reason, we should live unperturbed, agreeably, peacefully
and we should stop worrying about the future. We have no control.
God as our father, he will take care of us.
Poor daddy, he has so many children to feed. Most probably,
he doesn't know about the contraceptive pills.  JUST SMILE.  Viva

Sunday 12 July 2015

Small Thought.  Ending a relationship is agonizing
but staying is more excruciating.
Too often, we are encouraged to be strong and to keep it all inside.
Is it worth it?  Life is too short to start your day
with broken pieces of yesterday.
Do not be afraid to move on. There is always someone
who is waiting for you.  Viva

Friday 10 July 2015

Small Thought.  Our BRAIN, the troublemaker, contains two built in
drawers classified as LAUGHS and SADNESS.
Your are cordially invited to always keep open the CHEERFUL ONE
and to seal the SORROW ONE.
In this way, your life will be longer, healthier and happier.  Viva

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Small Thought.  Is there any possibility that all religions have been
created and inspired by Aliens?
If yes, it can explain the confusion, the misunderstanding,
the cruelty and the fanaticism. Viva

Monday 29 June 2015

Small Thought.   BARRICADE your tender heart and your
own aura against nasty invasion.  Viva

Friday 26 June 2015

Small Thought.   In Canada, during summer time, we often see people
walking in the streets smiling, waving and giving thumb up whenever they meet friends.
One of the reasons of this cute blast, is because summer is getting significantly
shorter and shorter every year.
Does anyone have any tips for extending summer season?
We called Mother Nature several times, begging her for a solution.
Unfortunately, Mother Nature is ignoring us.  Viva

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Small Thought.  An excellent News for rich people.
Finally, your wish has been granted.  GOD has agreed to open for you,
branches for banks in Heaven like BMO, Royal Bank, la Capitale.....
So, when your times comes, you can leave this beautiful world
peacefully and with no regrets.
From now on, try to behave properly on earth, to be able
to go to Heaven  to watch,  to embrace and to enjoy your money.
Otherwise, if you consistently misbehave, you will go to  Hell
and Satan, as punishment, will take your money and  will
invest it in The Stock Market.  JUST SMILE Viva

Thursday 11 June 2015

Small Thought.  Sometimes you should swallow your pride, apologize, turn
the page and start over.
Mistakes are a part of human being.  Admitting them honestly and learning
from them is the key to self-improvement and the  best way to solve any problem.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Dear ladies and gentlemen, if you keep watching porn movies, eventually, you will be
deceived by your baggage at home.  Viva  Just smile

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Small Thought.   Dear God, our messages stay unanswered.
Did you by any chance change your address or our messages have been
mistakenly blocked or deleted by your prophets,
We would be very grateful and pleased, if you could notify us about the problems.
Your humble servants.  Viva

Monday 25 May 2015

Petite Pensée.  Les âmes dévergondées, les esprits tordus, les coeurs désséchés
et les consciences défraîchies. flétries sont le fléau de la sociétè.  Viva

Sunday 24 May 2015

Petite Pensée.  Le Prince des Cauhemars, Monsieur ISIS a kidnappé
notre adoré, Monsieur Printemps, de nationalité canadienne.
Nous vous supplions de le rendre CHAUD ET VIVANT.
Aucune poursuite judiciaire ne sera intentée. Viva Souriez

Thursday 21 May 2015

Small Thought.  Dear God, we are very sorry to bother you with this matter.
Unfortunately,certain people do not like, either Heaven or Hell.
Please, is there another alternative?
They will be grateful and thankful, if you could consider their request.  Viva

Thursday 14 May 2015

Small Thought.  The advertisements on television are becoming so
captivating, entertaining, mesmerizing...that the viewers will ignore
everything else.  They are thrilled with the reverse mortgage, the
different kinds of medicines to control cholesterol, diabetes.....
the weight loss & diet plans, the funeral home, the life alert,
the cars accident and the list goes on and on.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Small Thought.  Do not start your day by thinking,
I hate my life and everyone.
You will hurt yourself and your loved ones.
Do not anticipate things.  Give THE DAY a chance to become
the most beautiful, exciting, and amazing in your life. Viva

Sunday 10 May 2015

Small Thought.  Sometimes, you should use part of your brain as an attic
and crammed in it all your gloomy, annoying thoughts, disputing them as no longer valid.
Never allow yourself to be stuck in a negative spiral and to be emotionally
hijacked with pessimistic thoughts.
Positive thinking is the key to happiness and success.  Viva

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Sunday 3 May 2015

Petite Pensée.   Un grand merci à la fédération des pâtissiers du Moyen-Orient.
Grâce à leur excès de zèle, leur surpassement, leur fameux gâteau
FEU D'ARTIFICE du Moyen-Orient est devenu international
et il est convoité par le monde entier
Les distributeurs se disputent, s'endettent et même s'entretuent  afin
de s'accaparer une part de marché et de permettre à leurs clients
de partager et de savourer ce gâteau divin et sensationnel. Viva
Small Thought.  To live happy and healthy, sometimes, we should count
our calories as we count our blessings. When we attune to these simple things
that give joy, our body and spirit will ignite.  JUST SMILE. Viva

Monday 27 April 2015

Small Thought.  Even if your are not a writer, let your pen  elegantly
glide on the paper and waltz with your incredible, amazing, intriguing,
exotic, captivating, imagination and your lovely, beautiful, charming,
peaceful thoughts.   Viva

Saturday 25 April 2015

Small Thought.  Sometimes, you should let your darling heart speak up
for yourself instead of your analytical mind and guide you on
the right path.  Viva

Monday 20 April 2015

Small Thought.  Before and After the Matrimonial Ring.
The beginning of a relationships is always exciting.  Love is in the air,
the languishing look, the whispering, the laughter, the kindness,
two hearts beating as one.
Unfortunately, sometimes, when the couple embark in their daily life,
they feel trapped, scared of the future. The burden is too heavy
and they start again dreaming about their freedom.
Love flies into the wind and it is scattered into ashes of resentment,
exasperation, animosity, bitterness, hatred....
Who is responsible for the success or failure of the marriage?
Of course, both are responsible.
Marriage is a very difficult task. If the couple do not build their nest
with the twigs of love, patience, sacrifice, concessions, generosity....,
it is doomed to collapse.
When two strangers decide to spend their life together, how can
they live happily unless they are ready to maintain
the garden of love well moisturized and well fertilized with
the appropriate and healthy seeds.  Viva


Friday 17 April 2015

Small Thought.  The word love is often overused and misunderstood
in relationships.  There are two kinds of love: THE IMAGINARY LOVE
The first one,  is based on no solid foundation, on illusion, on fantasy
and unfortunately, it is doomed to failure.
The second one, is based on affinity, sacrifice, concession,  patience,
comprehension ,compassion and fortunately it is doomed to live.
We should always try to prevent the imaginary love to flow into
the real love and  overwhelms it.  Viva


Thursday 16 April 2015

Small Thought. In life, there are three rings:
The engagement ring, the wedding ring and the suffering ring.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Petite Pensée.  La police des moeurs adresse une lettre à l'avocat
du syndicat des arbres.
Monsieur Environnement,
Nous avons entamé une enquête générale concernant la nudité des arbres.
Le nudisme est considéré comme une infraction sexuelle
et une atteinte à l'image de la nature.
Nous vous saurions gré de bien vouloir les notifier par écrit, que s'ils ne se conforment pas
aux règles en vigueur, l'amende pour entorse au code de
l'habillement est de 10.000 dollards et qu'ils risquent
également la prison ferme. 
Les arbres sont horrifiés, épouvantés par cette nouvelle inattendue
et injuste.  Ils étaient supposés recevoir leurs beaux habits au début
d'avril, mais les formalités douanières ont retardé la livraison.
Ils espèrent que leur avocat trouvera une solution satisfaisante
et les fera sortir de ce pétrin.  Viva

Sunday 12 April 2015

Petite Pensée.  Le Grand schisme de 1054 entre Rome et Constantinople
est périmé, dépassé, désuet. Nous sommes au 21ème siècle et l'Église Catholique
et les Églises Orthodoxes  et Orientales doivent mettre fin à leurs disputes
et unifier la religion chrétienne.
Par exemple, la fête de Pâques qui solennise la résurrection de Jesus
doit être célébrer par tous les rites à la même date.
Il faudrait qu'il ait une seule PASSION et une seule RÉSURRECTION
afin d'éviter le sarcasme et les critiques.  Viva

Thursday 9 April 2015

Small Thought.  Writers, do not be intimidated and paralyzed by criticism.
Of course, you should take it into consideration but not in an alarming way.
You can't please everyone.  The best thing can do is to believe in yourself,
apply your skills and knowledge, follow your intuition and most
importantly, allow your amazing heart to express itself.
Let your deep thoughts flow freely and let your magical pen guide your
incredible imagination.  Viva

Sunday 5 April 2015

Small Thought.  God created us to be born naked and he did not
impose upon us a formal dress code.
So, why certain cultures force people into uncomfortable clothes?  Viva

Monday 30 March 2015

Small Thought.   Every day, when we listen to the stunning news, we should
count our blessings. They enlighten us and we feel that we are in a state
of total euphoria.  It is like, we have almost reached Nirvana.
The killing, the slaughtering, the mutilating, the burning alive,
the kidnapping, the beheading, the smuggling ....make everyone heavenly happy.
We cannot ask for a better world. Everything is on the menu and we are welcomed
to choose any of those delightful entertainment and definitely, we will be served with love.

Saturday 28 March 2015

Petite Pensée.  Madame Douleur est jalouse de Madame Santé.
Elle désire qu'on l'accueille dans notre corps, agréablement, cordialement
comme sa rivale Madame Santé.
Elle est profondément exaspérée contre nous à cause de nos interminables insultes.
Elle aimerait de temps en temps nous côtoyer, s'infiltrer, se faufiler parmi
nos chers organes pour les saluer, les cajoler, à la rigueur flirter avec eux.
Nous devrions peut-être la reçevoir gracieusement afin d'atténuer,
les effets néfastes de sa jalousie maladive.  Viva
Cette belle  phrase d'Edith Piaf, doit être adoptée come devise par le monde entier.
Elle soulage les âmes tourmentées et calme les esprits échauffés.
Elle dissipe les sombres  nuages menaçants et éclaire notre chemin tortueux.
Elle nous aide à accepter l'amère défaite et à toujours foncer vers l'avenir.
TOUT CHANGE DANS LA VIE.  Avec un peu d'imagination et de complaisance.
on peut l'enjoliver, l'aimer et l'apprécier, sans peur, sans critique et sans illusion.  Viva

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Small Thought.  Let your velvet, pink, smooth, sensual tongue utters only
delightful words.  Do not be stingy with compliments.  Be generous.
It costs nothing, just it makes people happy and it boosts their ego.
In this amazing, incredible world, we need each other and
we should treat each other with love, kindness and respect.  Viva

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Small Thought.   Men save the world from another rotten, spoiled, corrupt and
 violent generation.
Women need your help.  They are distressed  and under great pressure,
 because they are unable  to work and to take care of their children at the same time.
As a result, at the end  of the day, they are hysterical, impatient, cranky, unpleasant...
and the whole  family suffers emotionally from this annoying condition.
Unfortunately,  the consequences are huge, such as divorce, delinquency, obesity,
anorexia, malnutrition, depression, guilt and the list goes on an on.
Mother is the pillar of the house.
Please handle promptly this drastic matter.   Viva

Sunday 22 March 2015

Small Thought.  You should feed your mind just as you feed your body.
Feed it, by reading, studying, writing, playing bridge, focusing 
on your surrounding.
It will sharpen your memory and keep your mind young and alert.  Viva
Small Thought.   Men urgently need, the Enchanted Lamp of Aladdin,
because, women are becoming more demanding and more difficult.
Nothing satisfies them.  So,as a result of this unbearable situation,
men are suffering silently and secretly.
Ladies,  if you want to keep your partner alive, healthy and happy,
please slow down and be more  tolerant and more loving.  Viva

Saturday 21 March 2015

Small Thought.  Memorandum from God.
My dear children, it is time for me to clarify some points, because
I feel that you are overwhelmed  and you are in disarray.
First of all, I did not create good or bad people. I only created beautiful souls.
Secondly, there is no such thing as Hell.  You invented it to control people.
I am not an executioner.  When the time comes, you will be welcomed
in my house with open arms.
Thirdly, you will not be wearing white.  Films makers chose this color.
I prefer colorful clothes.
Finally, I am not  going to tell you see you soon, because nobody is willing
to leave my breathtaking universe. So, enjoy your stay and try to behave properly.
Your beloved God.    Viva

Friday 20 March 2015

Small Thought.  Writing is a combination of sense of humour, intelligence
creativity, perseverance, skills, imagination and most importantly, a beautiful soul.
If you have it, you become a writer.  It is as simple as that.  Viva

Thursday 19 March 2015

Small Thought.  In many countries, unfortunately, it seems that slavery is
not yet abolished.  Domestic workers such as maids, cooks, nannies are abused physically
and morally by their employers. They are ill-treated, molested and even murdered.
Their countries should at least ask for reliable  references before sending them
and they should check on them periodically.
It's a shame that in the 21 Century,we are still encountering this kind of
unhuman, despicable, sad situations... Viva
Small Thought.  Memorandum from the birds of Canada.
We are tired and we want to come back home as quickly as possible.
Our visa is expired and the authorities are asking us nicely to leave.
We greatly appreciate your understanding.  Viva 

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Petite Pensée.  Ce printemps, plantez le jardin de votre Coeur avec des
fleurs d'amour, de passion et de bonté.  En utilisant les outils
appropriés, comme la bêche de patience, le rateau de tolérance
le sarcloir de la conscience.... vous  transformerez votre coeur
en oasis fleurie, exotique et féerique  Viva

Saturday 14 March 2015

Small Thought.  I have two loves, CANADA, my incredible, amazing country
and USA, my breathtaking, awesome neighbour.
I believe in them deeply and proudly. I hope one day, thanks to both,
JUSTICE AND FRREDOM will prevail in the whole world.  Viva

Wednesday 11 March 2015

Small Thought.  Life is like a beautiful rose but unfortunately, besieged
by thorns.  If we know how to tackle this thorny problem, we will see its fully
meaning and its incredible beauty.  Viva
this the magic key for HAPPINESS.  Viva

Monday 9 March 2015

Small Thought.  Christmas and Easter are becoming too commercialized.
Christmas personifies Santa Klaus and Easter personifies Bugs Bunnies.
Were the bunnies running around the tomb of Jesus when he has risen from the dead?
Christmas and Easter should be celebrated more religiously and more
respectfully like any other religion.  Viva

Sunday 8 March 2015

Small Thought.   Making love is a wonderful, sensual, naturel act.
Unfortunately, the movie Fifty Shades of Grey is unpleasant.  It encourages
sexual deviance, glorifies violence against women and misunderstand
the meaning of love.  It is a demonstration of hatred rather than love.
It is a movie of pure sadism and we hope they will not make part11.
Movies-makers, your are distorting the image of love and
you are spoiling the magical of romance.   Viva

Saturday 7 March 2015

Although, they are as intelligent as men. We cannot ignore, that their excellent
genes play an important role in giving birth to great men.
There is no doubt, that they are very good in applying men's inventions
in every single field.
Is it enough? No, they should make an effort to reach the same level like men.
Most importantly, they should be more aware of their surroundings and more aggressive
in handling their future.  Viva

Thursday 5 March 2015

Small Thought.   MEN ARE BORED, because in general, they are unsatisfied
with their relationships and their job.
Most probably, boredom is one of the reason, that triggers domestic violence
and international violence.  The are always searching for exciting experiences
and outstanding achievements.  So, they vent their frustrations
by inventing destructive, deadly weapons and by creating troubles
all over the world.
Ladies, if we do not find a solution to this critical problem, we will be
soon annihilated from the universe.  Viva

Sunday 1 March 2015

Small Thought.  Ladies you should not feel guilty or responsible
for any actions, because Heaven, Hell and the world are controlled by MEN.
God dominates Heaven and his spiritual entourage.
Satan dominates Hell and his residents.
Finally, the world is at their fingertips.
So, enjoy your life and let them run the world.  Viva
Small Thought.  Every day maybe an Einstein is killed because of the madness in politics.
Unfortunately, all these years, thousand of children have been the primary target
for attacks and they have been massacred cruelly, viciously without pity.

Saturday 28 February 2015

Small Thought.  Sometimes fashion can be unethical, insulting, inconsiderate
to others and we should not follow it blindly.
What message are we sending to the poor people by wearing
and by paying more for ripped jeans.
Of course, it is not intentional, but we have to be careful
not to hurt their feelings.  Viva

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Small Thought.  We can keep the romance alive just by repeating
endlessly this beautiful sentence.
I LOVE YOU!!  Viva

Sunday 22 February 2015

Small Thought.  Bribery is the source of our misfortunes and
our sufferings in many fields especially in politics.
Unfortunately, certain leaders are so much attracted
by the glittering checks, that they are ready to sell their soul,
their conscience, their people who follow them blindly.
We should not blame others for our miseries.  Everyone is responsible
for his own choice.

Friday 20 February 2015

Small Thought.   Every decision taken is the right decision, as far as, you
are not hurting someone else.
If you think this way, you will enjoy your life tremendously.
You should not be intimidated by your mistakes, because as human
beings, you are supposed to make mistakes.
Do not let remorse, regret weigh down your future.
Only God is infallible.   Viva

Monday 16 February 2015

Small Thought.  The worst invention of human beings are ZOO AND SEA WORLD.
What pleasure do we find by watching animals in captivity.  Just by looking at
their facial expressions, it shows sadness and depression.
Some people pretend that it is for educational purposes.  It is not.
It is only to entertain cruelly and to satisfy the greediness of companies and investors.
There are millions of people who know about dinosaurs without
seeing them alive.  Now, there are incredible tools for learning
like documentaries, movies, web .... We can even create robot animals
and it gives the same impact on people.
Allow these majestic, adorable creatures like Dolphins,  Killers Whales, Orcas Whales
to swim joyfully in open ocean without being captured or slaughtered.
Allow the Lion King and its entourage to run agreeably and peacefully
in the forest.
They are species like us and they deserve to share the planet
and to live freely and happily. Viva
Petite Pensée.   La mort galope sournoisement à petits pas, nous emporte
contre notre gré et nous jette sans pitié dans le néant de l'inconnu.
Il faut prendre en considération cette transition inévitable et indésirable
car nous serons jugés et trâités selon nos bonnes et mauvaises actions.   Viva


Friday 13 February 2015

Small Thought.   Genuine LOVE in any relationships implies commitment,
sacrifices, wisdom. Every year, on the 14h of February, dear St-Valentine
you brighten our Magical Heart with the flame of Love.
Help us to maintain it all year round, because sometimes, we are scared
of this wonderful feeling.  We tend to resist, or to give up too quickly. 

Monday 9 February 2015

Petite Pensée.  Mesdames, Messieurs, Préparez-vous, le tourbillon d'amour
approche à une vitesse enivrante.
Délice, euphorie, extase, romance seront au rendez-vous pour vous envoûter
et vous plonger dans le bain de passion et de rêves.
Tissons ses belles sensations dans notre adorable Coeur.
Gardons-le limpide et pur, toujours prêt à recevoir les ondes vibrantes d'amour.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Small Thought.   People who died innocently in wars, genocide, holocaust
urge the survivors do not seek anymore for revenge.
Their death was brutal and unfair.  They suffered and they have been killed
on the one hand, to fulfill the dreams of their leaders and on the other,
to satisfy their enemy's barbarism and madness.
They don't want you to weight down your children's baggage with
your frustrations and your aspirations for power and money.
They want the future generations to forget about the past, to start a
new healthy era and to live in peace and love.
They implore you to avoid emotional manipulation through guilt and
they beseech you to let your children to live freely and happily.  Viva

Saturday 31 January 2015

Small Thought.   To  the all countries of the first world.
The people of the Middle-East appreciate greatly your large impact on
their culture.  You introduce them to so many fantastic discoveries and
inventions in all aspects of life.
However, maybe it is time to stand back and to give them the opportunity
to make their own choices and to solve their problems.
Yes they can do it.
Jews, Christians, Muslims are able to tolerate each other and they are
able to live together in peace and love because they are ONE NATION
with liberty and justice. Also,they share the same culture and values.
Most importantly, theyshare the same instinct of fairness.
You can still help by avoid selling them destructive, deadly weapons.
History will praise you as human beings for saving the world.   Viva

Sunday 25 January 2015

Petite Pensée.   La politique et la religion sont supposées jouer le rôle de médiateur.
Mais intentionnellement ou pas, elles ne font que du grabuge.  Elles créent des
problèmes idéologiques, économiques, sociaux et parfois, elles contribuent
à la désintégration des institutions.
À cause d'elles, le monde est en ébullition, en démence.  C'est la tour de Babel.
Les arguments innombrables et interminables révèlent un manque de
communication et de compréhension.
Au fil des siècles, l'être humain n'a pas cessé de s'avilir et d'agir avec une
immaturité désobligeante qui le défavorise et le démuni.
Qu'est-ce qui le pousse à agir de cette façon abérrante?
Pourtant, Dieu lui a gratifié l'endroit idéal pour s'épanoiur et vivre en paix.
Il ne manquerait plus que de solliciter l'aide des extraterrestres pour nous
aider à résoudre nos problèmes et de nous faire sortir de ce marécage
qui nous engloutit.   Viva

Monday 12 January 2015

Small Thought.    Dear God, God the mighty, God the perfect in beauty,
God who created this breathtaking, wonderful universe. 
Why do you want to be surrounded by people who are ugly,
unattractive, wrinkled, toothless, full of botox....
You set a clock for each of us, although nobody is willing to leave
this awesome, amazing world.  We wish to stay forever on this planet.
We respect your decision but we would like you to have our
soul and our body in the best shape, PURE AND BEAUTIFUL.
Please take into consideration our humble request.    Viva